Tear Trough (Under the eye – dark circle – volume lost)

Having a sunken area under your eye will definitely age you. It is sometimes difficult to camouflage it behind makeup, especially if you don’t have the proper tools. If you decided not to wear makeup to achieve a natural yet youthful look, you can avail of our tear trough dermal filler treatment.

Remove wrinkles on chin ( Derma Filler for men )

Injectable fillers will be administered in the area under your eye. The result is a more active appearance and younger skin.

Fillers around the eyes are most likely to be visible. The skin is thinner in that area than others and so fillers will be more likely to show.

Our cosmetic experts have the skills to be able to deliver the best and most natural-looking results in applying dermal fillers in your eye area.

Book your complimentary consultation to see if Derma Fillers is the best option for you


    ☏ Talk to our Derma Fillers Specialist

    Call at

    (416) 821-1249

    and learn about your options

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    Check out our before and after pictures

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    Non surgical lift ( threadlift )
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    Non surgical jawline contouring 
 ☎️ 4168211249
A very  special thanks to our beautiful client who allowed us to share her  photos .
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We offer one complimentary consultation to everyone

    Non surgical jawline contouring
    ☎️ 4168211249
    A very special thanks to our beautiful client who allowed us to share her  photos .
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    #threadlift #morpheus8 #RF #jawline #jawlonecontouring #Facecontouring #face #cheeks #cheeksaugmentation #midfac #jawlinesenhancement #jawline #midfacelift #laughlinesimprovements #facialrejuvenation #antiaging #toronto #beautiful #trans #russianlips #russianlips #nasolabhial #cosmetics #skinhealth #beauty #antiaging #skinbooster #jawline #richmondhill @marco_Khorasani. @marcos.derma.care
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    We offer one complimentary consultation to everyone

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